Not so long ago, a tenor friend asked me:
"How do you do that?" "How do you keep on going?" " I see colleagues and friends who fail and stop, or decide to stay in one place, or pursue a different career.. You are one of the only singers who are still going for this dream."
It is true, from a class of 27 singers at The Boston Conservatory, I think I am the only one who is still pursuing an opera career. From a studio of 10 at the Israeli Opera, only 3 of us are still striving for an International Opera career. Why is it that so many singers stop pursuing their dream?
What stands in your way from becoming the best singer that you are? From aquiring the career that you dream of?
After having sung amazing main roles on very perstigious stages (like the Israeli Opera...) I almost gave up!
And then there was a shift - something inside of me just knew that if I won't give it my all, I will be miserable pondering but what could it have been like if I only gave it one more chance?
So I went all in - again and again and again.
Some singers are luckier than others, some are late bloomers. But I promise you that no matter where you are on that scale - there are few things that will make a difference for a long lasting happy joyous career!
Along my path of small successes, endless auditions, huge successes, big and small failures, many rejections, and unstoppable determination I gathered and developed some pretty amazing tools, routines, habits, and philosophy on how to pursue this career, and go for my wildest dreams with a content and joyous heart.
I feel as a singer in this profession that this could be a way to give back to the wonderful community of singers - share what I have expereinced, learned, and how I am determined to find success, just as you should too.